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The Two Bedroom Metro Unit gives you an extra bedroom to play with, so bring a mate (or your family) and make this your city-break home away from home for a night or two. The open plan diner and...
The One Bedroom Metro Unit is perfect for kicking back and relaxing after all that culture catching. These coolly designed units include an open plan diner, kitchenette and lounge area with a separate bedroom and a well-appointed ensuite. Check-in...
The Little Lux Studio Plus is just a little roomier. Packed with smart design features and cool decor, it also includes a Smart TV, kitchenette and well appointed ensuite. Some rooms have an extra single bed, and some are...
Our Little Lux Studio is neat and compact, packed with smart design features it includes a Smart TV, kitchenette and well appointed ensuite. Whether for work or play, tech touches and plush furnishings will keep you cosy and connected...